I’m in, and it feels good
It has been a while since I’ve posted, and that is because I have been a busy boy.
First Week
Got the keys on the 14th, had the pest spray that day, both inside and out. Electricity was already on, but had the account activated. Tuesday was the NBN day, so spent the afternoon with the contractor and getting my network all set up. Every day up till Friday, I was moving boxes from storage, was trying to have most of them done. The removalists were first thing Friday, so everything from storage was moved and I put my notice in for the shed.
Friday I was able to sort some rooms into some semblance of organisation, and this was my first official everything. First time sitting down, first use of the toilet, first fart, first time watching TV, just first day in the house. The weekend was then spent organising most rooms and playing Tetris with some of the stuff in the shed.
Second Week
So, for whatever reason, I decided to build a new computer desk and a fish tank stand. And upon talking to one of my mates, they offered to help me weld for the first time. Instead of an all wood construction, the entire week was spent going into their shed to do metalworks, paint prep and then later in that week, woodwork. As it stands right now, I have the computer desk done and in use. But the fish tank stand still needs work.
Contractors that I had organised were able to come Friday, and spent the day fitting off my network points, installing my wall mounted speakers and preparing a few other things. So, once it was all certified at the end of the day, my network was fully operational, and speakers were tested ;-).

Third Week
I was back at work, as my holiday had ended. But most days I was still doing my woodwork, and in general, continuing to sweat my ass off. On the weekend, I have taken a break from my woodworking to get the house almost finalised being set up.

Forth Week
And I can’t ignore the wood forever, so I will need to get back into my woodworking, and hopefully amongst Tennis and Work, it should only take me 2 weeks to complete it. And, by that time, the blinds should be built and asking me when they can install.
More to come
I have plans to do a YouTube video, and there is obviously some more to update you on. So, expect some more details to come soon. Oh, and more photos of the house too, as the lawn intentionally looks like shit right now (only a few more days until I can mow it, unless this rain continues).