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Day: 14 June 2018

Credit Card Full? Have Mine!

Credit Card Full? Have Mine!

For a number of years I kept throwing money away, spending on the credit card at will. At first it was occasional and then it was all the time until I lost all control and started myself on this path. Late 2016 around November I realised my situation when the credit limit was almost gone and an expensive holiday just around the corner. I started to figure out how I could remedy it, how I could solve it and all I could come up with was half arsed plans. Then one day, a concerned friend sat me down and said “You need to do a budget and stick to it, it’s kind of my thing and we are going to do it now.” Or something like that. At first I didn’t quite know what they meant and then I realised and didn’t really know how I felt about it all. But since March 2017 I have been on a reduced budget solely to pay of the long term interest free and a standard credit card. With the plan to pay off $10,000 of credit card debt in 15 months. Insurance changes, another credit card with said 15 months interest free, a goal and a spending limit on every single thing. I was set on this path, but here I am now, literally minutes after cancelling a credit card typing this out. And now I can say the words.

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